AI will eventually surpass the human brain but getting jokes ... that could take time. (Geoffrey Hinton)
Exploring A/I Artistic Intelligence
Irony is about contradictions that do not resolve into larger wholes, even dialectically, about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humour and serious play. It is also a rhetorical strategy and a political method,
one I would like to see more honoured within socialist-feminism. (Donna Haraway)
A project by Candy (Otsíkh:èta) Blair for PRIDE 2021.
Video shoot - When/ Where
Video shooting date: Saturday, June 5 and June 12, 2021
Locations: Cherry Beach, Cork Town Commons, Candy's kitchen, side walk, Toronto
Video release - When/ Where
The video was released by Toronto Pride on June 25, 2021 as part of the Catalyst event.
Event Website
Catalyst is a Virtual Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer Variety Show showcasing contemporary Indigenous storytelling, art and performance.
Event video documentation
Accountability song/ video soundtrack. Listen HERE

Accountability video. Click on image below.
The ‘Accountability’ project is about 2S (two spirit) people taking back positions of power.
Historically, members of the 2S community have experienced a lot of violence and trauma, the effects of which are still present today; a lot of people still struggle to retain teachings and use their voices. This presents a danger to Indigenous peoples as a lot of the roles that revolved around creating balance, keeping peace and protection in the community were held by 2S people.
‘Accountability’ (the song) calls out the predators in the music video cast members’ community and serves as a way for 2S people to step into their positions of power to tear down the systems of oppression that serve as threats to the communities they protect. The song also expresses the importance of self-reflection, re-evaluating our values and taking accountability.
Text: Candy Blair
Candy (Otsíkh:èta) Blair
Ratsírahawi Blair
Jennifer Alicia
Natalie Llanes Nogueira
Nayá Llanes Ramos
Michael Whiteloon
Brendan Chandler
Sophie Dow
Ricky Martin
Kitsuné Soleil
Joseph Paul Martin
Director: Candy (Otsíkh:èta) Blair
Co - director: Cassandra Esso
Cassandra Esso (on the ground)
Antje Budde (aerial, underwater)
Candy (Otsíkh:èta) Blair (additional footage)
Antje Budde
Candy (Otsíkh:èta) Blair
Fashion Designers:
Scott Wabano
Lesley Hampton
Ix Balam
Hairstylist: Ix Balam
Make Up Artist: Lexy
Production Assistant: Adé Abegunde
Doulas: Vera Kevic and Debbie Alleyne-Elie
Caretakers of Ratsírahawi Blair:
Ariel Boldeau
Gillian Kyle
Nicole Bell
Mikki Schell
Ethan Dankert Lannigan
Driver: Justine Shoreline
Digital Dramaturgy Lab_squared, Ruben Esguerra and New Tradition Music Mobile Studio, Toronto Pride, Two Spirit Committee/Pride Toronto
Composition, lyrics and performance:
Candy (Otsíkh:èta) Blair
Music production: Savilion Beats
Music contributor: Joseph Enriquez