AI will eventually surpass the human brain but getting jokes ... that could take time. (Geoffrey Hinton)
Exploring A/I Artistic Intelligence
Irony is about contradictions that do not resolve into larger wholes, even dialectically, about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humour and serious play. It is also a rhetorical strategy and a political method,
one I would like to see more honoured within socialist-feminism. (Donna Haraway)
DUO projects - DRM368 Devising Theatre -Animating Bodies Fall 2022
Undergraduate Course
Instructor: Prof. Antje Budde
Nov.1, 2022
Themes: (taken from individual student project notes)
physicality, devising with objects, power negotiation/inequality and the cultural industry, interfacing with music, cultural identity and hair, improvisation, memory loss, communication and health care, animating the dead, Halloween, memory making, animating personal objects, found materials, game-based performance (rules), food making, human puppets
Time limit for performances including setup and strike: 15 min.
Space: Luella Massey Studio Theatre – main and stage space; workshop space
Discussion: after each set of performances as time permits
NOTE: All performances will be video recorded by Antje Budde.
Take devising to the next level and now co-create with another student a live, or mixed-media or screened duo project of no more than 15 minutes (inclusive setup, performance, strike) within the course framework of animating bodies.
Photos and videos: Antje Budde
1st Hour
Welcome – Antje Budde
Chair Duet By Maria-Fedra Archimandriti and Hannah DeVellis - live dance/participatory
What We Did Last Night By Molly Dunn and Teodora Djuric– video screening
Discussion - Antje Budde and everyone
2nd Hour
Memory Pathways (Walking Down Memory Lane) By Rafina Chowdhury and Yinan (Reece) Zhou - live performance/ participatory
Design Prelims Day By Selina Jia and Ohryong (Olivia) Kwon - live mixed media performance, participatory
Can I Go Outside? By John Cleave and Gabriel Naidoo– video screening (Nov.16)
Discussion - Antje Budde and everyone
3rd Hour
Night and Kitchen By Simon Adams and Don (Tin Yui) Ku - live performance, animating food and human puppets
Barbershop Duet By Ethan Verderber and Sina Sasanifard –live performance, animating hair
Discussion - Antje Budde and everyone