AI will eventually surpass the human brain but getting jokes ... that could take time. (Geoffrey Hinton)
Exploring A/I Artistic Intelligence
Irony is about contradictions that do not resolve into larger wholes, even dialectically, about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humour and serious play. It is also a rhetorical strategy and a political method,
one I would like to see more honoured within socialist-feminism. (Donna Haraway)

FINAL show - DRM368 Devising Theatre -Animating Bodies Fall 2022
Undergraduate Course
Department Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Toronto
Instructor: Prof. Antje Budde
TA: Alisha Grech
Date: Tuesday, Dec.6, 2022
Time: 3pm-4.40pm
Venue: Luella Massey Studio Theatre
Address: 4 Glen Morris Street, Toronto
Tickets (limited) Contact a.budde@utoronto.ca
NOTE: Location is not wheelchair accessible
NOTE: Wearing face masks is strongly recommended

Photo: Sina
A number of event titles were generated through collective action. We are using all of them. Chose the one you like best!
Gallery Exhibition
‘D’-Like: D-vising!
‘One Into Many / Many Into One’ OR ‘we came, we saw, we created’
Once Upon a Time in Devising Class…
Perspective: The Difference That Adjoins Us All.
Creation: Moving. Animating. Together.
Stand in Your Power: Co-Creation and Common Ground
“The Collective” Creators Creating Creations…
Bodies in Animotion

Photo: Alisha Grech
Agree on which projects created during the term will be presented and collaborate on the event organization and proceedings. Help set up and strike. Communicate your creation process to people interested.
Presence - Gabriel - Live
Poetry Estranged - Ohryong (Olivia) - Live
Trying: The Short Film. - Hannah - Video
Soil. Water. Hair. - Sina - Live
Dance. Puppet. Dance. - Ethan, Sina, Yinan/Reece - Video documentation of live performance
Night and Kitchen - Don and Simon - Live
The Sandmen- Molly, Simon, Teodora - Video documentation of live performance
Can I Go Outside? - John, Gabriel - Video
We Are One - Gabriel, Hannah, Fedra, Selina - Video